www.tetedemulecouture.com is operating under the name of Tête de Mule®

Tête de Mule® is registered in The Netherlands at the Chamber of Commerce as "Tête de Mule B.V." under the number: 94667683.

The VAT number Tête de Mule B.V. associates with is: NL866853704B01

Tête de Mule® is a registered trademark at the EUIPO (European Office for Intellectual Property) under number: 019002743. The logo Tête de Mule® operates under is registered as figurative trademark under number: 018948356. 

All rights regarding the brand name, visuals or anything Tête de Mule® published are reserved to Tête de Mule B.V., any unauthorized use or infringement of Tête de Mule B.V.'s intellectual property will be met with legal action.

Help: support@tetedemulecouture.com

B2B Inquiries: hello@tetedemulecouture.com